Since 2018 Global Sports Media House has created all social content for the FBK Games. The FBK Games is a World Athletics Continental Tour Gold event and the largest Track & Field meet in the Netherlands. The content we create activates event hype in the months leading up to the event and creates a widespread reach throughout and after the event as its being shared by partners, media and the world class athletes participating in the event. 

Our team takes charge to deliver excellent results through our social media manager, video and photo content staff on site. We are proud to have played a role in turning this historic event around from the half empty stadiums in 2017 to a sold out crowd in 2023. Helping to tell the story and bringing to life the vision of the organization who implemented a new concept for the FBK Games since 2018.  


  • Photography 
  • Video 
  • Social Media Management 
our production


Creative Agency in Sports

E: info@globalsportsmediahouse.com
T: +31 (0) 24 351 50 77
F: +31 (0) 24 351 50 88